RESTLESS fotografert i Stillehavet av M/V OBERON. OBERON klarte å overføre forsyninger til RESTLESS om kvelden (norsk tid) 23/7. Foto: MV OBERON

RESTLESS fotografert i fra MV OBERON 23/7. Foto: MV OBERON
Update the 4th of August – Final:
S/Y RESTLESS moored in Hiva Oa Island at time 2000 4th of August.
In total four rescue-coordination centers has been involved since RESTLESS declared an emergency the 21st of July. These are JRCC Southern Norway, MRCC Peru, JRCC Tahiti and JRCC Australia. In addition, JRCC Alameda, USA, assisted JRCC Southern Norway with communication to MRCC Peru.
This incident is a good example of the seamless cooperation between several countries rescue co-ordination centers.
This is the last update from JRCC Southern Norway regarding S/Y RESTLESS. We wish RESTLESS a safe onward journey.
Update the 3d of August:
S/Y RESTLESS is proceeding towards Hiva Oa with good speed. RESTLESS has booked a yard in Hiva Oa. Distance to go is approximately 200 nautical miles. They expect to be at Hiva Oa some time during Friday.
Next, and last update, from JRCC Southern-Norway will be when RESTLESS confirms that they are safe in harbour.
Update the 26th of July 1920lt:
The hull is partially repaired. The crew are using the bilge-pump every 2nd hour.
Position is 09.32,51S 120.43,44W. Approximately 1100 nautical miles to Iles Marquises.
Update the 25th of July 1900lt:
RESTLESS is proceeding west-bound with approximately 5 knots.
The weather is still of a nature that makes it impossible to repair the hull.
The leakage is increasing, but under control of the bilge-pump.
Her position is 09.39,94S 118.48,89W
Update the 23d of July 1730lt:
RESTLESS is proceeding west bound with 4 knots. The situation is under control. Increasing wind question if it is possible to transfer any supplies from OBERON.
Rendevouz between RESTLESS and OBERON is estimated at 2300hrs Norwegian time.
Position at time 1730: 10.57,25S latitude 115.04,37W longitude.
Update the 23d of July 1230lt:
MRCC Peru was in contact with S/Y RESTLESS at time 0700 local Norwegian time. The situation was described as under control. MRCC Peru offered assistance from several vessels in the area, but the master of RESTLESS declined that.
At time 0800 local Norwegian time, JRCC Southern Norway was in contact with the master. He then confirmed that RETLESS was no longer in a mayday situation. JRCC S-N has cancelled the mayday-relay in the area.
RETLSESS intentions is to proceed towards Iles Marquises on a more northerly track. This due to the fact that there are more vessels north of his current track.
There has been no repair of RESTLESS due to the weather in the area. First opportunity will probably be on Tuesday.
OBERON is requested to provide RESTLESS with equipment, food and water. It is unknown when this can happen.
RESTLESS position at time 0700 local Norwegian time was 10.59,27S latitude and 114.20,53W longitude.
JRCC S-N will continue to monitor the situation.
Update the 22nd of July 1840lt:
JRCC Southern-Norway contacted S/Y RESTLESS at time 1745 local Norwegian time:
The situation is stable. RESTLESS is still taking on water, but are able to handle the water with one bilge pump.
Due to the weather, they are not able to further repair the damage.
The wind is 10-12 m/s and it is raining. Any further repair will be by swimming/ diving.
The MV OBERON is heading for Auckland New Zealand are currently 500 nautical miles away. MV OBERON contacted JRCC STAVANGER and informed that they will have a close CPA to the SY RESTLESS after 24 hours. JRCC STAVANGER will keep OBERON updated about the situation, and OBERON can assist RESTLESS if needed.